Friday, April 1, 2011

WARNING: If you're faint of heart DO NOT read this blog...

Recently I discovered something very disturbing: HAIRY TONGUE.

I mean I don't personally have it, but my friends told me about the condition the other day, and it's disgusting.
Hairy tongue is the condition of staining the papillea on one's tongue and is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast in the mouth. How does this happen you may ask? Many things cause this, but smoking and chewing tobacco can expedite the growth.

I was shocked when I heard about this, so I had to google image it right away. The picture in my bog is what popped up. OH EM GEE. NEVER wanting this to happen...blaaaaaahhhhggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Gross! That looks like one of those pictures they showed up in high school health class to keep up from having sex or smoking. It seems to fit either one.

  2. Wow - that's really gross! I can't picture hair on my tongue...that's just too nasty.
